Monday, January 26, 2015

Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 24.01.2015

Update on Twitter and Facebook: "여러분 오늘 영화 재미나게 보셨어염? 전 무대인사 라랄랄라 다니는 중~"
English Translation: "Everyone, i just want to ask and remind all of you, do all of you having fun watching the movie today? Right now i walking "LaLaLa" around for the Stage Greeting~"

Update on Weibo: "我在忙参加着舞台问候~啦啦~天气很冷~大家注意不要感冒!"
English Translation: "I am currently busy participating and walking around for the Stage Greeting~ LaLa~  The Weather is so cold~ Everyone please be careful not to catch a cold!"

Photos Uploaded:

Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official Twitter Account, Lee Min Ho's Official Facebook Account, Lee Min Ho's Official WeiboAccount

P.S -> LaLaLa is a phrase to express walking happily~

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Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 24.01.2015

Update on Twitter and Facebook: "여러분 오늘 영화 재미나게 보셨어염? 전 무대인사 라랄랄라 다니는 중~"
English Translation: "Everyone, i just want to ask and remind all of you, do all of you having fun watching the movie today? Right now i walking "LaLaLa" around for the Stage Greeting~"

Update on Weibo: "我在忙参加着舞台问候~啦啦~天气很冷~大家注意不要感冒!"
English Translation: "I am currently busy participating and walking around for the Stage Greeting~ LaLa~  The Weather is so cold~ Everyone please be careful not to catch a cold!"

Photos Uploaded:

Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official Twitter Account, Lee Min Ho's Official Facebook Account, Lee Min Ho's Official WeiboAccount

P.S -> LaLaLa is a phrase to express walking happily~