Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 22.06.2013

Update on Weibo: "제 생일을 위해 이런 선물을 준비해주셨어요... 여러분 감사합니다 ^^ 大家给我这个惊喜,我感到非常幸福,谢谢大家祝福我。"
English Translation: "Preparing this kind of presents for my birthday..everyone Thank You very much ^^ Because of the presents that everyone gave to me, i feel happy, Thank You very much for the wishes. "
Replying Semir: "#森马李敏镐庆生会#亲爱的@李敏镐,在这个特别的日子里~ @森马 和MINOZ一起为你庆生啦这份小小的礼物是我们满满的爱意祝愿你也像薄荷TEE一样~永远清新、自然、快乐Happy Birthday!"
English Translation: : #SemirLeeMinHoBirthdayParty# Dear @李敏镐, on this special day~ @森马 and MINOZ friends together are giving you a little present for your birthday  this is a small gift but yet it's full of love  we hope all of the best for you and we wish you are like this Peppermint TEE, always fresh and natural  Happy Birthday~

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Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 22.06.2013

Update on Weibo: "제 생일을 위해 이런 선물을 준비해주셨어요... 여러분 감사합니다 ^^ 大家给我这个惊喜,我感到非常幸福,谢谢大家祝福我。"
English Translation: "Preparing this kind of presents for my birthday..everyone Thank You very much ^^ Because of the presents that everyone gave to me, i feel happy, Thank You very much for the wishes. "
Replying Semir: "#森马李敏镐庆生会#亲爱的@李敏镐,在这个特别的日子里~ @森马 和MINOZ一起为你庆生啦这份小小的礼物是我们满满的爱意祝愿你也像薄荷TEE一样~永远清新、自然、快乐Happy Birthday!"
English Translation: : #SemirLeeMinHoBirthdayParty# Dear @李敏镐, on this special day~ @森马 and MINOZ friends together are giving you a little present for your birthday  this is a small gift but yet it's full of love  we hope all of the best for you and we wish you are like this Peppermint TEE, always fresh and natural  Happy Birthday~