Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 12.06.2013

Update on LINE Messenger (Japanese Version):
"韓国に帰って来ました~横浜公演が終わってから花火はご覧になりましたか?*花火*は今回はじめて習った言葉ですが、皆さんと一緒に過ごしたお陰で、更に楽しい思い出として残る気がします。韓国も雨が降っていますが 風邪にはお気をつけて、幸せでいてください^^"
English Translation: "I am already back home in Korea~ Did all of you see the fireworks (Hanabi) after the Yokohama Concert has ended? *Hanabi* is the first word that i learned this time. I am thankful for the time that i spent with all of you, i hope it will always remained as a fun memories. South Korea is raining, therefore please be careful, do not catch a cold and please be happy always^^"
Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official LINE Messenger Account (Japanese Version)

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Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 12.06.2013

Update on LINE Messenger (Japanese Version):
"韓国に帰って来ました~横浜公演が終わってから花火はご覧になりましたか?*花火*は今回はじめて習った言葉ですが、皆さんと一緒に過ごしたお陰で、更に楽しい思い出として残る気がします。韓国も雨が降っていますが 風邪にはお気をつけて、幸せでいてください^^"
English Translation: "I am already back home in Korea~ Did all of you see the fireworks (Hanabi) after the Yokohama Concert has ended? *Hanabi* is the first word that i learned this time. I am thankful for the time that i spent with all of you, i hope it will always remained as a fun memories. South Korea is raining, therefore please be careful, do not catch a cold and please be happy always^^"
Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official LINE Messenger Account (Japanese Version)