Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lee Min Ho Becomes the New Model for Jeju Air

CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong

Ready to grace the skies, Lee Min Ho became the new face for Jeju Air.

On February 3, Jeju Air announced that Lee Min Ho has been chosen as the promotional model for 2014 to represent the airline.

“We decided to choose Lee Min Ho after seeing that he has the most fans in their twenties to forties in China, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong and other Asian countries, which will be major stopping points for Jeju Air,” said Jeju Air.

Jeju Air added that it hopes many overseas fans will use its services to travel.

In past years Big Bang and Boys Republic served models for the airline.

Photo Credit: Esquire
Source: ENewsWorld

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Lee Min Ho Becomes the New Model for Jeju Air

CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong

Ready to grace the skies, Lee Min Ho became the new face for Jeju Air.

On February 3, Jeju Air announced that Lee Min Ho has been chosen as the promotional model for 2014 to represent the airline.

“We decided to choose Lee Min Ho after seeing that he has the most fans in their twenties to forties in China, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong and other Asian countries, which will be major stopping points for Jeju Air,” said Jeju Air.

Jeju Air added that it hopes many overseas fans will use its services to travel.

In past years Big Bang and Boys Republic served models for the airline.

Photo Credit: Esquire
Source: ENewsWorld