Friday, May 10, 2013

Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 10.05.2013

Update on Weibo Only:
@ 1.42 PM: "여러분 곧 여름이 다가오네요~여름하면 무엇이 떠오르세요? 함께 이야기해볼까요? #什么是夏天# 什么是夏天?奔跑、欢笑、你们的目光。想和大家一起聊聊这个有趣的问题,这个夏天大家是怎么看待的呢?"
English Translation: "Everyone, what do you have in mind when Summer is approaching~ what comes through your mind when summer comes? Please talk about it together with me? Running, laughter, your eyes. I would like to talk with you with this interesting question, what do you have in mind and how do you look at Summer season?
Retweet Semir's Weibo: 

@ 森马: "#什么是夏天•男生篇# 盛夏时分,跟着@李敏镐 进入微电影,一同寻找、奔跑,放肆薄荷幻想,分享你们的夏日故事,让这个夏季穿上真实梦想→ 即日起至5.16,关注@森马 并转发本微博,有机会获得ipad mini(1台)、微电影限量TEE(20件),李敏镐2013签名台历(20份) 5.20公布"
English Translation: "What is Summer•Boy's Chapter#Summer starring @李敏镐 (Lee Min Ho) Micro Film,  Running, Fantasizing, Share your Summer Story and what your dreams are for this summer season from now until 16th of May by following @ 森马 (Semir) and forward this tweet to win an iPad Mini (1 unit) and limited edition T-Shirt (20 Pieces) or Calendar with Lee Min Ho's signature (20 Pieces), will be announced on 20th of May"

Video Uploaded by Semir: Lee Min Ho for Semir - Summer/Spring Fashion Video Micro Film “什么是夏天?" (What is Summer?) 2013 - Part 2 (Boy's Chapter)

video credits: HaydenShe
Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Original Weibo Account, Semir's Weibo

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Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 10.05.2013

Update on Weibo Only:
@ 1.42 PM: "여러분 곧 여름이 다가오네요~여름하면 무엇이 떠오르세요? 함께 이야기해볼까요? #什么是夏天# 什么是夏天?奔跑、欢笑、你们的目光。想和大家一起聊聊这个有趣的问题,这个夏天大家是怎么看待的呢?"
English Translation: "Everyone, what do you have in mind when Summer is approaching~ what comes through your mind when summer comes? Please talk about it together with me? Running, laughter, your eyes. I would like to talk with you with this interesting question, what do you have in mind and how do you look at Summer season?
Retweet Semir's Weibo: 

@ 森马: "#什么是夏天•男生篇# 盛夏时分,跟着@李敏镐 进入微电影,一同寻找、奔跑,放肆薄荷幻想,分享你们的夏日故事,让这个夏季穿上真实梦想→ 即日起至5.16,关注@森马 并转发本微博,有机会获得ipad mini(1台)、微电影限量TEE(20件),李敏镐2013签名台历(20份) 5.20公布"
English Translation: "What is Summer•Boy's Chapter#Summer starring @李敏镐 (Lee Min Ho) Micro Film,  Running, Fantasizing, Share your Summer Story and what your dreams are for this summer season from now until 16th of May by following @ 森马 (Semir) and forward this tweet to win an iPad Mini (1 unit) and limited edition T-Shirt (20 Pieces) or Calendar with Lee Min Ho's signature (20 Pieces), will be announced on 20th of May"

Video Uploaded by Semir: Lee Min Ho for Semir - Summer/Spring Fashion Video Micro Film “什么是夏天?" (What is Summer?) 2013 - Part 2 (Boy's Chapter)

video credits: HaydenShe
Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Original Weibo Account, Semir's Weibo