Monday, April 29, 2013

[NOTICE] Starhaus Entertainment Staff's Update Regarding Lee Min Ho's Phone Number - 30.04.2013

*The Message was written in Lee Min Ho's Korean Official Website*

Hi, Minoz.
It’s starhaus entertainment in Seoul.
I’d like to take a chance to thank you all for your enthusiastic support and love.

We’re reported there’s been a rumor with the false phone number of Lee Minho.
We received serious complaint from the person who actually owns the number.
This person is having severe problems by numerous text messages and phone calls from all over the world.
Some fans curiosity can turn to be someone’s pain who’s not involved.
All Minoz people, please communicate with us by official channels.
We’d expect you to share this information with all the fans you know and help us spreading pleasant fan ship among Minoz.

Thank you.

한국, Korea/ @leeminhokr
홍콩, Hong kong/ @leeminhohk
대만, Taiwan/ @leeminhotw
영어권, English/ @leeminho
일본, Japan/ @actorleeminho

안녕하세요. Minoz 여러분
배우 이민호에 대한 뜨거운 응원과 사랑에 감사 드립니다.
현재 <이민호의 전화번호>라고 돌아다니는 소문(전화번호)이 많습니다.
모든 것이 뜨거운 애정과 응원에서 비롯된 것이라 생각됩니다.
건전하고 올바른 팬 문화를 위해 전 세계의 Minoz 분들의 협조를 구합니다.
최근 <이민호의 전화번호>라는 많은 허위 전화번호들이 돌아다니면서,
해외 에서 걸려오는 텍스트메세지 또는 전화에 대한 피해가 발생되는 것을 확인하였습니다.
단 한번의 호기심이 타인에게는 불편한 상황임을 인지 해 주시고 이에 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.
모든 Minoz 분들은 여러분들을 위하여 개설한 이민호의 공식채널을 통한 소통을 해 주시기를 요청드립니다.
또한 본 글을 국내 외 모든 팬분들과 공유하여 보다 즐거운 팬문화에 앞장 서 주시기를 바랍니다.

Source: @StarhausM
P.S -> Starhaus M is talking about the phone number that Lee Min Ho spread during his Fan Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, last 23rd of March 2013. At that time, Lee Min Ho spread a phone number but held left the 2 last number blank, he said that it's his real phone number and Minoz around the world has tried to call him after that, trying every number possible for the 2 numbers that left blank. Actually, as Minoz we should realize that there's no way for a public figure like Lee Min Ho ssi to easily spread their phone number, no matter how much he wanted to communicate with his fans. When he read the numbers, Lee Min Ho has actually put on a surprised face and said to the MC "Look..they actually want to write it down and believe it", from his words and expression, we should know that it's not his real phone number. But sometimes it's not Minoz fault to try to call him, right? Since now i think it's already announced that it's not his real phone number and please do not try to call the number since the real owner of the number feels disturbed. Thank You!

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[NOTICE] Starhaus Entertainment Staff's Update Regarding Lee Min Ho's Phone Number - 30.04.2013

*The Message was written in Lee Min Ho's Korean Official Website*

Hi, Minoz.
It’s starhaus entertainment in Seoul.
I’d like to take a chance to thank you all for your enthusiastic support and love.

We’re reported there’s been a rumor with the false phone number of Lee Minho.
We received serious complaint from the person who actually owns the number.
This person is having severe problems by numerous text messages and phone calls from all over the world.
Some fans curiosity can turn to be someone’s pain who’s not involved.
All Minoz people, please communicate with us by official channels.
We’d expect you to share this information with all the fans you know and help us spreading pleasant fan ship among Minoz.

Thank you.

한국, Korea/ @leeminhokr
홍콩, Hong kong/ @leeminhohk
대만, Taiwan/ @leeminhotw
영어권, English/ @leeminho
일본, Japan/ @actorleeminho

안녕하세요. Minoz 여러분
배우 이민호에 대한 뜨거운 응원과 사랑에 감사 드립니다.
현재 <이민호의 전화번호>라고 돌아다니는 소문(전화번호)이 많습니다.
모든 것이 뜨거운 애정과 응원에서 비롯된 것이라 생각됩니다.
건전하고 올바른 팬 문화를 위해 전 세계의 Minoz 분들의 협조를 구합니다.
최근 <이민호의 전화번호>라는 많은 허위 전화번호들이 돌아다니면서,
해외 에서 걸려오는 텍스트메세지 또는 전화에 대한 피해가 발생되는 것을 확인하였습니다.
단 한번의 호기심이 타인에게는 불편한 상황임을 인지 해 주시고 이에 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.
모든 Minoz 분들은 여러분들을 위하여 개설한 이민호의 공식채널을 통한 소통을 해 주시기를 요청드립니다.
또한 본 글을 국내 외 모든 팬분들과 공유하여 보다 즐거운 팬문화에 앞장 서 주시기를 바랍니다.

Source: @StarhausM
P.S -> Starhaus M is talking about the phone number that Lee Min Ho spread during his Fan Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, last 23rd of March 2013. At that time, Lee Min Ho spread a phone number but held left the 2 last number blank, he said that it's his real phone number and Minoz around the world has tried to call him after that, trying every number possible for the 2 numbers that left blank. Actually, as Minoz we should realize that there's no way for a public figure like Lee Min Ho ssi to easily spread their phone number, no matter how much he wanted to communicate with his fans. When he read the numbers, Lee Min Ho has actually put on a surprised face and said to the MC "Look..they actually want to write it down and believe it", from his words and expression, we should know that it's not his real phone number. But sometimes it's not Minoz fault to try to call him, right? Since now i think it's already announced that it's not his real phone number and please do not try to call the number since the real owner of the number feels disturbed. Thank You!