English Translation: "Everyone are you ready?? ^^"
2nd: "내가 중국어로 쓰는게 서투니까.. 우리 중국 담당 스텝이 도와줄꺼야^^[我的中文不太好..所以我的中国工作人员会帮我的^^]"
English Translation: "I am not good and awkward in Chinese..so i will have my Chinese staff to help me and responsible in this ^^"
3rd: "嗯,看的很清楚~~~"
@Paranoia_pamper: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#你现在是在北京吗?什么时候来北京?在北京哪里?"
English Translation: @Paranoia_pamper: "Are you in Beijing now? What time will you visit Beijing? Which area in Beijing will you visit?"
Lee Min Ho: "做明天早上的飞机去北京^^"
English Translation: "I will depart to Beijing tomorrow early in the morning^^"
@被自己蠢cry-: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#你恐高吗 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @被自己蠢cry-: "Are you afraid of heights"
Lee Min Ho: "我不怕~ 站在高的地方, 我的心情会变得很好^^"
English Translation: "I am not afraid~ standing in high places, actually makes me feels good^^"
@谁说我不能爱李敏镐 : "对亲爱的镐哥,你演的几部戏中,你最喜欢哪个角色 @李敏镐 提问: http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @谁说我不能爱李敏镐 "Dear Lee Min Ho brother, between all of the characters that you have played, which one is your favorite"
Lee Min Ho: "都喜欢...和“金叹”离开的时间不久..所以比较挂念“金叹~"
English Translation: "I like all of them..but i just separate with 'Kim Tan' not to long ago..so i miss 'Kim Tan' more~"
@EE想要快点去旅行: "对 @李敏镐 提问:明天去机场送你哦!不能走VIP喔~第一送机 好想快点见到你!!!喜欢你五年了^ _ ^ http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @EE想要快点去旅行 "I will send you off tomorrow at the airport tomorrow! please do not use VIP lane~ it will be my first time to send you off, i can't wait to see you in person!! I already like you for 5 years already ^ _ ^"
Lee Min Ho: "我也好想快点见到你!~ 但是,一定要注意安全!不能摔倒~ 不然把你扔掉!!"
English Translation: "I also wish that i can also see you as soon as possible!~ but, please mind your own safety first! Don't fall~ or else i will throw you away!!"
@minoz-Y: "对 @李敏镐 提问:我运气实在是差,从来没中过什么,所以,欧巴,你回我一个安慰哈我吧http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @minoz-Y: "My luck is so bad, i never got a chance to hit any jackpot, so, Oppa, please comfort me, reply my message with 'Consolation'"
Lee Min Ho: "安慰^^"
English Translation: "Consolation^^"
@心有所属么么达: "对 @李敏镐 提问:也不知道你看不看得过来,反正还是要说几遍,冬天别再喝冰水了,对身体真的不好,你要回答我说你知道了哦 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @心有所属么么达:" I don't know whether you will look and reading this or not, but i will repeat this several times, do not drink ice water during winter, it is not good for your health and body, please reply my message by writing 'i got it'"
Lee Min Ho: "看到了~ 但是我喜欢喝冰水..."2nd: "내가 중국어로 쓰는게 서투니까.. 우리 중국 담당 스텝이 도와줄꺼야^^[我的中文不太好..所以我的中国工作人员会帮我的^^]"
English Translation: "I am not good and awkward in Chinese..so i will have my Chinese staff to help me and responsible in this ^^"
3rd: "嗯,看的很清楚~~~"
English Translation: "Ah, i can see all clearly~~~"
English Translation: @Paranoia_pamper: "Are you in Beijing now? What time will you visit Beijing? Which area in Beijing will you visit?"
Lee Min Ho: "做明天早上的飞机去北京^^"
English Translation: "I will depart to Beijing tomorrow early in the morning^^"
@被自己蠢cry-: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#你恐高吗 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @被自己蠢cry-: "Are you afraid of heights"
Lee Min Ho: "我不怕~ 站在高的地方, 我的心情会变得很好^^"
English Translation: "I am not afraid~ standing in high places, actually makes me feels good^^"
@谁说我不能爱李敏镐 : "对亲爱的镐哥,你演的几部戏中,你最喜欢哪个角色 @李敏镐 提问: http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @谁说我不能爱李敏镐 "Dear Lee Min Ho brother, between all of the characters that you have played, which one is your favorite"
Lee Min Ho: "都喜欢...和“金叹”离开的时间不久..所以比较挂念“金叹~"
English Translation: "I like all of them..but i just separate with 'Kim Tan' not to long ago..so i miss 'Kim Tan' more~"
@EE想要快点去旅行: "对 @李敏镐 提问:明天去机场送你哦!不能走VIP喔~第一送机 好想快点见到你!!!喜欢你五年了^ _ ^ http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @EE想要快点去旅行 "I will send you off tomorrow at the airport tomorrow! please do not use VIP lane~ it will be my first time to send you off, i can't wait to see you in person!! I already like you for 5 years already ^ _ ^"
Lee Min Ho: "我也好想快点见到你!~ 但是,一定要注意安全!不能摔倒~ 不然把你扔掉!!"
English Translation: "I also wish that i can also see you as soon as possible!~ but, please mind your own safety first! Don't fall~ or else i will throw you away!!"
@minoz-Y: "对 @李敏镐 提问:我运气实在是差,从来没中过什么,所以,欧巴,你回我一个安慰哈我吧http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @minoz-Y: "My luck is so bad, i never got a chance to hit any jackpot, so, Oppa, please comfort me, reply my message with 'Consolation'"
Lee Min Ho: "安慰^^"
English Translation: "Consolation^^"
@心有所属么么达: "对 @李敏镐 提问:也不知道你看不看得过来,反正还是要说几遍,冬天别再喝冰水了,对身体真的不好,你要回答我说你知道了哦 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @心有所属么么达:" I don't know whether you will look and reading this or not, but i will repeat this several times, do not drink ice water during winter, it is not good for your health and body, please reply my message by writing 'i got it'"
English Translation: "I got it but~ i like drinking ice water..."
@cecilyangela : "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#请你来重庆吧!!!这里有美景美食,还有一群漂亮热情的辣妹子等着你!!!好期待!!! http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @cecilyangela: "Please come to Chong Qing!! There are beautiful scenery everywhere, and a lot of pretty and passionate beautiful girls are waiting for you!! I am really looking forward to it!!"
Lee Min Ho: "重庆森林!!!!!"
English Translation: "Chungking Express!!!!!"
P.S (Chong Qing and Chung King has the same Chinese letter. Chong Qing is a city in China, while Chung King is a Hong Kong Movie)
@虎克船长漂流记 : "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#敏镐敏镐,不知道能不能看见我,特别喜欢你饰演的金叹。明天就是我16岁生日了16岁对于女孩来说,是个很重要的生日希望能得到你的祝福。希望注意到,这会是我收到最好的礼物 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @虎克船长漂流记: "Min Ho Min Ho , i am not sure whether you will read this , but i really like the Kim Tan played by you . Tomorrow is my 16th Birthday and the 16th Birthday is very important and meaningful for a girl , I hope i can get blessing from you . I do hope that you will read this, since this will be the best present for me "
Lee Min Ho: " 送给你6颗心,祝你生日快乐^^"
English Translation: " i give you 6 hearts, and wishing you a happy birthday^^"
@犯困的茶叶蛋zlh: "对 @李敏镐 提问:oppa,明天去北京会吃烤鸭吗 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb
English Translation: "@犯困的茶叶蛋zlh: Oppa, are you going have Peking duck when you arrive in Beijing?"
Lee Min Ho: "当然!!"
English Translation: "Of Course!!"
"你们可不可以发一些好玩的问题啊~~!!! 刺激一点的!好玩的! 不一样的!!"
English Translation: "Please send me some interesting questions~~!! Something that can stimulates me! Fun! and Different!!"
@幸运D路标向: "@李敏镐 提问:#李敏镐微访谈#问个私人问题,交女朋友了吗?赶快交了,结婚吧,然后去上《爸爸去哪儿》^^ http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @幸运D路标: "I am asking you a personal question, do you have a girlfriend now? please get one quickly, get married, and join 《Dad where are you going》^^ "
Lee Min Ho: "我才刚刚27"
English Translation: "But i just turned 27"
@Minoz-somnus 对 @李敏镐 提问:今天有喝摩卡吗? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@Minoz-somnus did you drink mocha today?"
Lee Min Ho: "还没有......."
English Translation: "Not yet......"
@Minoz-c曦曦 对: "@李敏镐 提问:敏镐你有没有觉得自己很帅很帅呢 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb."
English Translation: "@Minoz-c曦曦: "Min Ho have you every think that you are good looking"
Lee Min Ho: "呃......不是........呃........是.....呃.......不。"
English Translation: "Yes....no....eh....Yes...eh...no. "
"对不起..我刚刷牙回来! 我们重新来! 继续~~~~~"
English Translation: "I am sorry..i just went to brush my teeth but i am back now! let's star it again! continue~~~~"
@21Lee: "对 @李敏镐 提问:我的手机桌面是你诶,你的是谁?? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@21Lee: "My phone wallpaper is you, and how about you??"
Lee Min Ho: "苹果~"
English Translation: Apple~"
@大酱思密达对: "@李敏镐 提问:一会儿下课回家类,不理你了,哼,╭(╯^╰)╮,都不回复我。http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@大酱思密达: "I am going back home from my class, i will just ignore you, hhmmpph,╭(╯^╰)╮ , you are not replying to me."
Lee Min Ho: "对不起~~ “我这是喜欢你吗?”
English Translation: "I am sorry~~ "Do i maybe like you?"
@大壮头发乱gg:" 对 @李敏镐 提问:你要是回复我了的话 我就好好上课T^T http://t.cn/8kp5LDb
English Translation: "@大壮头发乱gg if you reply me then i will be a good student and study T^T"
Lee Min Ho: "骗人!!"
English Translation: "Liar!"
@lilinjun2011: "对 @李敏镐 提问:今天上海雾霾,你有没有出去过? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@lilinjun2011: "There's haze in Shanghai today, did you go out anywhere?"
Lee Min Ho: "雾霾我也得出去吃饭啊~ 不能总待在酒店^^"
English Translation: "Even though there's a haze, i still had to go out to eat~ i can't just stay at the hotel the whole day^^"
@帆布鞋的离开: "对 @李敏镐 提问:手机铃声是什么? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@帆布鞋的离开 What is your phone ringtone?"
Lee Min Ho: "没有~"
English Translation: "I don't have a ringtone~"
@Lena赵淋淋: "对 @李敏镐 提问:不回复我的话,小心我用汤匙弄伤你哦 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@Lena赵淋淋 if you don't reply me, i will hurt you with a spoon"
Lee Min Ho: "我用筷子对付你!!!"
English Translation: "Then i will use chopsticks to fight with you!!!"
@love李敏镐hao: "对 @李敏镐 提问要考试了,给我点鼓励吧 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@love李敏镐hao: "Soon i will go for my exam, please give me some encouragements"
Lee Min Ho: " "没有中间”!!"
English Translation: "There's no middle!!"
@李敏镐对你的爱只增不减 : "对 @李敏镐 提问:我最害怕的动物是猫我朋友最害怕的动物是虫虫帅帅的敏镐最害怕的动物是什么呢 满足我的好奇心吧 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @李敏镐对你的爱只增不减 : "I am afraid of cat and my friend is afraid of insects, what kind of animal that Min Ho is afraid of, please end my curiosity"
Lee Min Ho: "我害怕虫子们!"
English Translation: "I am afraid of Insects!"
@rmein: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#现在最想做什么?睡觉?嘻嘻 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@rmein: "What would you like to do now? sleeping? hehe"
Lee Min Ho: "刚起床!2点50分起床~ 我这是在说梦话吗?"
English Translation: "I just woke up! I woke up at 2.50 PM~ Am i sleep talking?"
@水青赤: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#喜欢你的痞子笑,给姐笑一个。姐大你一岁。 网址http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@水青赤 I like your smile, please smile for jie jie once. Jie jie is one year older than you"
Lee Min Ho: "大一岁还姐姐啊,是朋友啦~"
English Translation: "One year older is not jie jie, but friend"
@Minoz-陈玲向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#欧巴圣诞跟谁一起过呀? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@Minoz-陈玲: "Oppa, with whom you will spend your Christmas with?"
Lee Min Ho: "正在考虑中... 考虑了半天也没找到答案~ 我们一起吗?"
English Translation: "I am thinking right now...and i haven't got the answer for it after thinking so much~ what if we spend it together?"
@Anywhere我都在- : "对 @李敏镐 提问: 快回我快回我~ 我会激动到死掉的!!!T^TT^TT^T求回复 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@Anywhere我都在-: "Please reply me immediately please reply me immediately~ i will die from over excitement!!! T^TT^TT^T Seeking for a reply"
Lee Min Ho: "."
@卓玛605: "对 @李敏镐 提问:对中国粉丝的印象如何? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@卓玛605对: "What is your impression of your Chinese fans?"
Lee Min Ho: "热情四溢!! 让我招架不住!!"
English Translation: "Overflowing with passion! it overwhelmed me too!!"
@MUSE_Tracy: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈# 呼叫 李敏镐~~~呼叫 李敏镐~~~ http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@MUSE_Tracy Calling Lee Min Ho~~~ Calling Lee Min Ho~~~"
Lee Min Ho: "继续呼叫~~~"
English Translation: "Keep calling~~~:
@小余乖乖: "对 @李敏镐 提问:发张你现在的自拍照好不? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@小余乖乖: "Can you please post a selca?"
Lee Min Ho: "好的!马上~~"
English Translation: "Okay! soon~~"
@天天天天alice "对 @李敏镐 提问:什么问题能让你感兴趣呀? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@天天天天alice What kind of question that you think is interesting?"
Lee Min Ho: "你有几根头发?"
English Translation: "How many hairs that you have??"
@尾鱼爱吐泡泡ooo : "对 @李敏镐 提问:偶吧。。说好的照片嘞??造型随便摆摆就好啦。。 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@尾鱼爱吐泡泡ooo: "Oppa...where is the photo? you can just simply dress and pose.."
Lee Min Ho: "等!!! "
English Translation: "Wait!!! "
@Fashion_dss: "对 @李敏镐 提问:。。。。。。你有几根头发? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: @Fashion_dss: "......how many hair that you have?"
Lee Min Ho: "我数一下,你等我8个月"
English Translation: "Let me count for it, please wait for me in another 8 months"
English Translation: "I am chatting with you and watching all of your questions!"
Photo Posted:
@灏忚殏铓乢51614: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#发张自拍照,穿的越少越好 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@灏忚殏铓乢51614 please post a selca, but with wearing as little clothes as possible"
Lee Min Ho: "我还没准备好穿那么少,电影里面再给你看"
English Translation: "I am not ready to wear so little clothing, perhaps will show you in a movie:
@小西的琐事: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#还是看不到么??? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb
English Translation: "@小西的琐事: "You still couldn't read this???"
Lee Min Ho: "看不到"
English Translation: "I still couldn't read it"
@无言以对secret: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#求正面照片!!!! http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@无言以对secret: "Please post a full picture of yourself!!!"
Lee Min Ho: "待会儿吃晚饭的时候再发~ 现在还没睡醒...."
English Translation: "I will post it when i have dinner~ i am not yet fully awake..."
@张小冉BB: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#手都抽筋了,在不回复就掉粉了呵呵 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@张小冉BB: "My hands has cramps right now, i will unfollow you if you don't reply me hehe"
Lee Min Ho: "帮你揉揉手~~~~~"
English Translation: "Let me rub your hands~~~~~"
@笛宇轩 对: "@李敏镐 提问:欧巴都不回复我。。不好好考试了。 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@笛宇轩 Oppa you're not replying to me...i won't do well on my exam. "
Lee Min Ho: "我回复你也不见得成绩会上升~~~哈哈"
English Translation: "Even though i reply you, it doesn't guarantee that it will improve your result~~ hehe"
@张玥sophia: "对 @李敏镐 提问:快举起你的双手,让我看到你~~ http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@张玥sophia: "Please put your hands up, and let me see you~~"
Lee Min Ho: "Put your hands up!!!"
English Translation: "I will give you an additional 10 minutes since i just went to brush my teeth just now!"
@fly-angel2011: "对 @李敏镐 提问:晚饭打算吃什么? http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@fly-angel2011: "What do you plan to have for dinner?"
Lee Min Ho: "好吃的上海菜~"
English Translation: "The delicious Shanghai Cuisine~"
@minoz_damei: "对 @李敏镐 提问:我追你很多年了!男朋友吃醋怎么办!!哈哈哈! http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@minoz_damei: "I have like you for several years! Even my boyfriend envies you!! hahaha! "
Lee Min Ho: "没事~做的挺好的~"
English Translation: It's okay~ you're handling and doing it well~"
@Minoz-巧妙: "向 @李敏镐 提问:#李敏镐微访谈#oppa,i love you! 向你求婚中 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "@Minoz-巧妙: "Oppa, i love you! i am proposing to you and asking you to marry me right now"
Lee Min Ho: "I love you too!"
@奥特乌曼是小疯子: "向 @李敏镐 提问: #李敏镐微访谈#你是个sunshine boy。。。这么冷的冬天要是能收到你的回复。我肯定就暖和了。不冷了。。。 http://t.cn/8kp5LDb"
English Translation: "You are a sunshine boy...if only i could get a reply from you on this freezing cold winter day, i will definitely feel warm and not cold anymore..."
Lee Min Ho: "@奥特乌曼是小疯子: "注意身体,小心感冒!天气冷了就不要天天往外跑~~~~"
English Translation: "Please take care of yourself, do not catch a cold! Since the weather is so cold right now, please do not go outside really often~~~~"
"短短的一个小时和你们聊天很开心! 还有三天的时间可以和你们在一起~ 让我们一起开心渡过每一天^^ 小心感冒,bye bye"
English Translation: "The short one hour has passed and i am so happy to chat with all of you! I will have another three days to spend with all of you~ let's us spending those days happily together ^^ take care of your self and don't catch a cold, bye bye"
Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official Weibo Account
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